OffTopicWindows 7 - Start Probleme

23.12.2013, 16:31 - Ironhide99 - Fortgeschrittener - 107 Beiträge
ich habe seit kurzen probleme mit dem Starten von meinem PC.

---> Ich starte den PC und es lädt die ganze zeit der Windows.
Ich schalte den PC aus und starte ihn neu. Dann mache ich StartHilfe warte ab. Am Schluss Starte ich wieder den PC neu und es geht.

Das Problem ist: Ich muss es jedes mal machen.

Vor kurzem habe ich folgendes Instaliert:
- After Effects CC
- Cinema 4D (wieder deinstaliert)
- Camtasia

Prozessor:AMD FX(tm)-8350 Eight-Core Processor 4.00 GHz
Ram: 16,0 GB

Könnte wer mir weiterhelfen?


24.12.2013, 11:08 - BenJäger4ever - Anfänger - 37 Beiträge
Did you add some new drivers or updates at your computer before the problem appeared?


24.12.2013, 11:30 - Ironhide99 - Fortgeschrittener - 107 Beiträge
I only have Apple QuickTime installed something else not


24.12.2013, 11:48 - BenJäger4ever - Anfänger - 37 Beiträge
This is very strange.
Your problem should happen when you install something new like a driver update.
Maybe this can also happen when you have too much peripherals plugged in the PC (External Disk, Printers and so on...)
In this case the HDD doesn't receive enough power, so it doesn't turn at minimum speed required for run Windows.
Try to disconnect all the not-necessary peripherals (don't disconnect Keyboard and Mouse if you use a desktop PC, for example) and try again.
If the problem occurs again, try to use MemTest86 of UltimateBootCD (download it here).
Burn the ISO on a CD, then use it to load the computer (simply insert it and reboot).
If you see again Windows Load Message, reboot again and press the button to select boot device (in my case is F12, but it can be different). Select CD/DVD device.
Once you have UBCD loaded go on Memory and then run MemTest86.
You have to run it for three or four hours (oO). If you see red lines this means that the problem is caused by RAM Memory.
If the RAM haven't got any problem...
tell me, I am going to search for this strange problem.


24.12.2013, 21:46 - Ironhide99 - Fortgeschrittener - 107 Beiträge
Go back have many things Uninstalls / deleted

~closed wink
