
As you may already noticed, Eleven-Games has been freshen up. Our new design is now adapted to actual web standards, but that is not all: We are also bringing a lot of improvements.

Let's check them out together:

Mobile Design
Eleven-Games is now fully adapted for mobile devices. The website automatically adjust the content to your screen size. The cool thing? There is no content restriction and posting comments is even easier now when you are on the way.

Select your language
One of the biggest improvement in our eyes. The website is totally translated in several languages (English, German and French). Select your favorite language and surf around :-)

Don't miss anything. A new comment, forum post or topic? If the bell is lightning yellow, there is new content.

Avatar & Userpic
You can now upload a Avatar with a size from up to 256x256px and a size of 512x512px for your Userpic.

Improved visibility in the forum
It is even more easier to figure out if there is a new answer in a topic or if the topic has been moved or closed.

Donate with Paypal
Get Paypal donation for your uploaded content.

We now have a shoutbox :-)

And much more!

A big thanks to Germany BlackBonjour who helped us a lot with the conception of this news design.
LKW Fahrer
ich war einfach erstaunt! Super!
Wow, da kommt man mal wieder auf diese Seite und schaut sich das auf einmal an. Klasse Sache, sieht super aus
Das neue Design ist echt schön sauber und aufgeräumt! smile Was mir nur aufgefallen ist, dass das Favicon ziemlich dunkel ist, bei der größe muss man da schon sehr genau hinschauen, um das "EG" zu erkennen..
2 Benutzer(n) gefällt dieser Beitrag
Auch Dir ein Dankeschön. Ich werde mir was bezüglich dem Favicon ausdenken.
Wirklich sehr sehr gelungenes Design, ich danke euch für eure tolle Arbeit! wink
3 Benutzer(n) gefällt dieser Beitrag
Vielen Dank für dieses durchaus positives Feedback!
Es freut uns immer sehr smile

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